Class TSequenceReferenceSeq



type TSequenceReferenceSeq = class(TBackboneElement)


Raw data describing a biological sequence.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property chromosome : TCodeableConcept read Getchromosome write Setchromosome;
Public property genomeBuild : string read GetgenomeBuild write SetgenomeBuild;
Public property genomeBuildElement : Tstring read GetgenomeBuildElement write SetgenomeBuildElement;
Public property referenceSeqId : TCodeableConcept read GetreferenceSeqId write SetreferenceSeqId;
Public property referenceSeqPointer : TReference read GetreferenceSeqPointer write SetreferenceSeqPointer;
Public property referenceSeqString : string read GetreferenceSeqString write SetreferenceSeqString;
Public property referenceSeqStringElement : Tstring read GetreferenceSeqStringElement write SetreferenceSeqStringElement;
Public property strand : integer read Getstrand write Setstrand;
Public property strandElement : Tinteger read GetstrandElement write SetstrandElement;
Public property windowStart : integer read GetwindowStart write SetwindowStart;
Public property windowStartElement : Tinteger read GetwindowStartElement write SetwindowStartElement;
Public property windowEnd : integer read GetwindowEnd write SetwindowEnd;
Public property windowEndElement : Tinteger read GetwindowEndElement write SetwindowEndElement;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property chromosome : TCodeableConcept read Getchromosome write Setchromosome;

Structural unit composed of a nucleic acid molecule which controls its own replication through the interaction of specific proteins at one or more origins of replication ([SO:0000340](

Public property genomeBuild : string read GetgenomeBuild write SetgenomeBuild;

The Genome Build used for reference, following GRCh build versions e.g. 'GRCh 37'. Version number must be included if a versioned release of a primary build was used.

Public property genomeBuildElement : Tstring read GetgenomeBuildElement write SetgenomeBuildElement;
Public property referenceSeqId : TCodeableConcept read GetreferenceSeqId write SetreferenceSeqId;

Reference identifier of reference sequence submitted to NCBI. It must match the type in the Sequence.type field. For example, the prefix, “NG_” identifies reference sequence for genes, “NM_” for messenger RNA transcripts, and “NP_” for amino acid sequences.

Public property referenceSeqPointer : TReference read GetreferenceSeqPointer write SetreferenceSeqPointer;

A Pointer to another Sequence entity as reference sequence.

Public property referenceSeqString : string read GetreferenceSeqString write SetreferenceSeqString;

A string like "ACGT".

Public property referenceSeqStringElement : Tstring read GetreferenceSeqStringElement write SetreferenceSeqStringElement;
Public property strand : integer read Getstrand write Setstrand;

Directionality of DNA sequence. Available values are "1" for the plus strand (5' to 3')/Watson/Sense/positive and "-1" for the minus strand(3' to 5')/Crick/Antisense/negative.

Public property strandElement : Tinteger read GetstrandElement write SetstrandElement;
Public property windowStart : integer read GetwindowStart write SetwindowStart;

Start position of the window on the reference sequence. If the coordinate system is either 0-based or 1-based, then start position is inclusive.

Public property windowStartElement : Tinteger read GetwindowStartElement write SetwindowStartElement;
Public property windowEnd : integer read GetwindowEnd write SetwindowEnd;

End position of the window on the reference sequence. If the coordinate system is 0-based then end is is exclusive and does not include the last position. If the coordinate system is 1-base, then end is inclusive and includes the last position.

Public property windowEndElement : Tinteger read GetwindowEndElement write SetwindowEndElement;

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