Class TResearchStudy



type TResearchStudy = class(TDomainResource)


A process where a researcher or organization plans and then executes a series of steps intended to increase the field of healthcare-related knowledge. This includes studies of safety, efficacy, comparative effectiveness and other information about medications, devices, therapies and other interventional and investigative techniques. A ResearchStudy involves the gathering of information about human or animal subjects. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property title : string read Gettitle write Settitle;
Public property titleElement : Tstring read GettitleElement write SettitleElement;
Public property protocol : TReferenceArray read GetprotocolArray;
Public property partOf : TReferenceArray read GetpartOfArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TResearchStudyStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property category : TCodeableConceptArray read GetcategoryArray;
Public property focus : TCodeableConceptArray read GetfocusArray;
Public property contact : TContactDetailArray read GetcontactArray;
Public property relatedArtifact : TRelatedArtifactArray read GetrelatedArtifactArray;
Public property keyword : TCodeableConceptArray read GetkeywordArray;
Public property jurisdiction : TCodeableConceptArray read GetjurisdictionArray;
Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;
Public property descriptionElement : Tmarkdown read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property enrollment : TReferenceArray read GetenrollmentArray;
Public property period : TPeriod read Getperiod write Setperiod;
Public property sponsor : TReference read Getsponsor write Setsponsor;
Public property principalInvestigator : TReference read GetprincipalInvestigator write SetprincipalInvestigator;
Public property site : TReferenceArray read GetsiteArray;
Public property reasonStopped : TCodeableConcept read GetreasonStopped write SetreasonStopped;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;
Public property arm : TResearchStudyArmArray read GetarmArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Identifiers assigned to this research study by the sponsor or other systems.

Public property title : string read Gettitle write Settitle;

A short, descriptive user-friendly label for the study.

Public property titleElement : Tstring read GettitleElement write SettitleElement;
Public property protocol : TReferenceArray read GetprotocolArray;

The set of steps expected to be performed as part of the execution of the study.

Public property partOf : TReferenceArray read GetpartOfArray;

A larger research study of which this particular study is a component or step.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

The current state of the study.

Public property statusElement : TResearchStudyStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property category : TCodeableConceptArray read GetcategoryArray;

Codes categorizing the type of study such as investigational vs. observational, type of blinding, type of randomization, safety vs. efficacy, etc.

Public property focus : TCodeableConceptArray read GetfocusArray;

The condition(s), medication(s), food(s), therapy(ies), device(s) or other concerns or interventions that the study is seeking to gain more information about.

Public property contact : TContactDetailArray read GetcontactArray;

Contact details to assist a user in learning more about or engaging with the study.

Public property relatedArtifact : TRelatedArtifactArray read GetrelatedArtifactArray;

Citations, references and other related documents.

Public property keyword : TCodeableConceptArray read GetkeywordArray;

Key terms to aid in searching for or filtering the study.

Public property jurisdiction : TCodeableConceptArray read GetjurisdictionArray;

Indicates a country, state or other region where the study is taking place.

Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;

A full description of how the study is being conducted.

Public property descriptionElement : Tmarkdown read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property enrollment : TReferenceArray read GetenrollmentArray;

Reference to a Group that defines the criteria for and quantity of subjects participating in the study. E.g. " 200 female Europeans between the ages of 20 and 45 with early onset diabetes".

Public property period : TPeriod read Getperiod write Setperiod;

Identifies the start date and the expected (or actual, depending on status) end date for the study.

Public property sponsor : TReference read Getsponsor write Setsponsor;

The organization responsible for the execution of the study.

Public property principalInvestigator : TReference read GetprincipalInvestigator write SetprincipalInvestigator;

Indicates the individual who has primary oversite of the execution of the study.

Public property site : TReferenceArray read GetsiteArray;

Clinic, hospital or other healthcare location that is participating in the study.

Public property reasonStopped : TCodeableConcept read GetreasonStopped write SetreasonStopped;

A description and/or code explaining the premature termination of the study.

Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;

Comments made about the event by the performer, subject or other participants.

Public property arm : TResearchStudyArmArray read GetarmArray;

Describes an expected sequence of events for one of the participants of a study. E.g. Exposure to drug A, wash-out, exposure to drug B, wash-out, follow-up.

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