Class TQuantity
type TQuantity = class(TElement)
A measured amount (or an amount that can potentially be measured). Note that measured amounts include amounts that are not precisely quantified, including amounts involving arbitrary units and floating currencies. If the element is present, it must have a value for at least one of the defined elements, an @id referenced from the Narrative, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property value : Double read Getvalue write Setvalue; |
The value of the measured amount. The value includes an implicit precision in the presentation of the value.
property valueElement : Tdecimal read GetvalueElement write SetvalueElement; |
property comparator : string read Getcomparator write Setcomparator; |
How the value should be understood and represented - whether the actual value is greater or less than the stated value due to measurement issues; e.g. if the comparator is "<" , then the real value is < stated value.
property comparatorElement : TQuantityComparator read GetcomparatorElement write SetcomparatorElement; |
property unit_ : string read Getunit_ write Setunit_; |
A human-readable form of the unit.
property unit_Element : Tstring read Getunit_Element write Setunit_Element; |
property system : string read Getsystem write Setsystem; |
The identification of the system that provides the coded form of the unit.
property systemElement : Turi read GetsystemElement write SetsystemElement; |
property code : string read Getcode write Setcode; |
A computer processable form of the unit in some unit representation system.
property codeElement : Tcode read GetcodeElement write SetcodeElement; |
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