Class TProcessRequest
type TProcessRequest = class(TDomainResource)
This resource provides the target, request and response, and action details for an action to be performed by the target on or about existing resources. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray; |
The ProcessRequest business identifier.
property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus; |
The status of the resource instance.
property action : string read Getaction write Setaction; |
The type of processing action being requested, for example Reversal, Readjudication, StatusRequest,PendedRequest.
property actionElement : TActionList read GetactionElement write SetactionElement; |
property target : TReference read Gettarget write Settarget; |
The organization which is the target of the request.
property created : string read Getcreated write Setcreated; |
The date when this resource was created.
property createdElement : TdateTime_ read GetcreatedElement write SetcreatedElement; |
property provider : TReference read Getprovider write Setprovider; |
The practitioner who is responsible for the action specified in this request.
property organization : TReference read Getorganization write Setorganization; |
The organization which is responsible for the action speccified in this request.
property request : TReference read Getrequest write Setrequest; |
Reference of resource which is the target or subject of this action.
property response : TReference read Getresponse write Setresponse; |
Reference of a prior response to resource which is the target or subject of this action.
property nullify : boolean read Getnullify write Setnullify; |
If true remove all history excluding audit.
property nullifyElement : Tboolean read GetnullifyElement write SetnullifyElement; |
property reference : string read Getreference write Setreference; |
A reference to supply which authenticates the process.
property referenceElement : Tstring read GetreferenceElement write SetreferenceElement; |
property item : TProcessRequestItemArray read GetitemArray; |
List of top level items to be re-adjudicated, if none specified then the entire submission is re-adjudicated.
property period : TPeriod read Getperiod write Setperiod; |
A period of time during which the fulfilling resources would have been created.
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.