Class TImagingStudy
type TImagingStudy = class(TDomainResource)
Representation of the content produced in a DICOM imaging study. A study comprises a set of series, each of which includes a set of Service-Object Pair Instances (SOP Instances - images or other data) acquired or produced in a common context. A series is of only one modality (e.g. X-ray, CT, MR, ultrasound), but a study may have multiple series of different modalities. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property uid : string read Getuid write Setuid; |
Formal identifier for the study.
property uidElement : Toid read GetuidElement write SetuidElement; |
property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray; |
Other identifiers for the study.
property availability : string read Getavailability write Setavailability; |
Availability of study (online, offline, or nearline).
property availabilityElement : TInstanceAvailability read GetavailabilityElement write SetavailabilityElement; |
property modalityList : TCodingArray read GetmodalityListArray; |
A list of all the Series.ImageModality values that are actual acquisition modalities, i.e. those in the DICOM Context Group 29 (value set OID 1.2.840.10008.6.1.19).
property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient; |
The patient imaged in the study.
property context : TReference read Getcontext write Setcontext; |
The encounter or episode at which the request is initiated.
property started : string read Getstarted write Setstarted; |
Date and time the study started.
property startedElement : TdateTime_ read GetstartedElement write SetstartedElement; |
property basedOn : TReferenceArray read GetbasedOnArray; |
A list of the diagnostic requests that resulted in this imaging study being performed.
property referrer : TReference read Getreferrer write Setreferrer; |
The requesting/referring physician.
property interpreter : TReferenceArray read GetinterpreterArray; |
Who read the study and interpreted the images or other content.
property endpoint : TReferenceArray read GetendpointArray; |
The network service providing access (e.g., query, view, or retrieval) for the study. See implementation notes for information about using DICOM endpoints. A study-level endpoint applies to each series in the study, unless overridden by a series-level endpoint with the same Endpoint.type.
property numberOfSeries : Int64 read GetnumberOfSeries write SetnumberOfSeries; |
Number of Series in the Study. This value given may be larger than the number of series elements this Resource contains due to resource availability, security, or other factors. This element should be present if any series elements are present.
property numberOfSeriesElement : TunsignedInt read GetnumberOfSeriesElement write SetnumberOfSeriesElement; |
property numberOfInstances : Int64 read GetnumberOfInstances write SetnumberOfInstances; |
Number of SOP Instances in Study. This value given may be larger than the number of instance elements this resource contains due to resource availability, security, or other factors. This element should be present if any instance elements are present.
property numberOfInstancesElement : TunsignedInt read GetnumberOfInstancesElement write SetnumberOfInstancesElement; |
property procedureReference : TReferenceArray read GetprocedureReferenceArray; |
A reference to the performed Procedure.
property procedureCode : TCodeableConceptArray read GetprocedureCodeArray; |
The code for the performed procedure type.
property reason : TCodeableConcept read Getreason write Setreason; |
Description of clinical condition indicating why the ImagingStudy was requested.
property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription; |
Institution-generated description or classification of the Study performed.
property descriptionElement : Tstring read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement; |
property series : TImagingStudySeriesArray read GetseriesArray; |
Each study has one or more series of images or other content.
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