Class TSubscriptionStatus



type TSubscriptionStatus = class(TDomainResource)


The SubscriptionStatus resource describes the state of a Subscription during notifications. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TSubscriptionStatusCodes read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property type_Element : TSubscriptionNotificationType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property eventsSinceSubscriptionStart : Tinteger64 read GeteventsSinceSubscriptionStart write SeteventsSinceSubscriptionStart;
Public property notificationEvent : TSubscriptionStatusNotificationEventArray read GetnotificationEventArray;
Public property subscription : TReference read Getsubscription write Setsubscription;
Public property topic : string read Gettopic write Settopic;
Public property topicElement : Tcanonical read GettopicElement write SettopicElement;
Public property error : TCodeableConceptArray read GeterrorArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

The status of the subscription, which marks the server state for managing the subscription.

Public property statusElement : TSubscriptionStatusCodes read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;

The type of event being conveyed with this notification.

Public property type_Element : TSubscriptionNotificationType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property eventsSinceSubscriptionStart : Tinteger64 read GeteventsSinceSubscriptionStart write SeteventsSinceSubscriptionStart;

The total number of actual events which have been generated since the Subscription was created (inclusive of this notification) - regardless of how many have been successfully communicated. This number is NOT incremented for handshake and heartbeat notifications.

Public property notificationEvent : TSubscriptionStatusNotificationEventArray read GetnotificationEventArray;

Detailed information about events relevant to this subscription notification.

Public property subscription : TReference read Getsubscription write Setsubscription;

The reference to the Subscription which generated this notification.

Public property topic : string read Gettopic write Settopic;

The reference to the SubscriptionTopic for the Subscription which generated this notification.

Public property topicElement : Tcanonical read GettopicElement write SettopicElement;
Public property error : TCodeableConceptArray read GeterrorArray;

A record of errors that occurred when the server processed a notification.

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