Class TRequirementsStatement
type TRequirementsStatement = class(TBackboneElement)
A set of requirements - a list of features or behaviors of designed systems that are necessary to achieve organizational or regulatory goals.
constructor Create; override; |
property key : string read Getkey write Setkey; |
Key that identifies this statement (unique within this resource).
property keyElement : Tid read GetkeyElement write SetkeyElement; |
property label_ : string read Getlabel_ write Setlabel_; |
A short human usable label for this statement.
property label_Element : Tstring read Getlabel_Element write Setlabel_Element; |
property conditionality : boolean read Getconditionality write Setconditionality; |
This boolean flag is set to true of the text of the requirement is conditional on something e.g. it includes lanauage like 'if x then y'. This conditionality flag is introduced for purposes of filtering and colour highlighting etc.
property conditionalityElement : Tboolean read GetconditionalityElement write SetconditionalityElement; |
property requirement : string read Getrequirement write Setrequirement; |
The actual requirement for human consumption.
property requirementElement : Tmarkdown read GetrequirementElement write SetrequirementElement; |
property derivedFrom : string read GetderivedFrom write SetderivedFrom; |
Another statement on one of the requirements that this requirement clarifies or restricts.
property derivedFromElement : Tstring read GetderivedFromElement write SetderivedFromElement; |
property parent : string read Getparent write Setparent; |
A larger requirement that this requirement helps to refine and enable.
property parentElement : Tstring read GetparentElement write SetparentElement; |
property satisfiedBy : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetsatisfiedByArray; |
A reference to another artifact that satisfies this requirement. This could be a Profile, extension, or an element in one of those, or a CapabilityStatement, OperationDefinition, SearchParameter, CodeSystem(/code), ValueSet, Libary etc.
property reference : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetreferenceArray; |
A reference to another artifact that created this requirement. This could be a Profile, etc., or external regulation, or business requirements expressed elsewhere.
property source : TReferenceArray read GetsourceArray; |
Who asked for this statement to be a requirement. By default, it's assumed that the publisher knows who it is if it matters.
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