Class TQuestionnaireItem



type TQuestionnaireItem = class(TBackboneElement)


A structured set of questions intended to guide the collection of answers from end-users. Questionnaires provide detailed control over order, presentation, phraseology and grouping to allow coherent, consistent data collection.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;
Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property definition : string read Getdefinition write Setdefinition;
Public property definitionElement : Turi read GetdefinitionElement write SetdefinitionElement;
Public property code : TCodingArray read GetcodeArray;
Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;
Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;
Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property type_Element : TQuestionnaireItemType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property enableWhen : TQuestionnaireEnableWhenArray read GetenableWhenArray;
Public property enableBehavior : string read GetenableBehavior write SetenableBehavior;
Public property enableBehaviorElement : TEnableWhenBehavior read GetenableBehaviorElement write SetenableBehaviorElement;
Public property disabledDisplay : string read GetdisabledDisplay write SetdisabledDisplay;
Public property disabledDisplayElement : TQuestionnaireItemDisabledDisplay read GetdisabledDisplayElement write SetdisabledDisplayElement;
Public property required : boolean read Getrequired write Setrequired;
Public property requiredElement : Tboolean read GetrequiredElement write SetrequiredElement;
Public property repeats : boolean read Getrepeats write Setrepeats;
Public property repeatsElement : Tboolean read GetrepeatsElement write SetrepeatsElement;
Public property readOnly : boolean read GetreadOnly write SetreadOnly;
Public property readOnlyElement : Tboolean read GetreadOnlyElement write SetreadOnlyElement;
Public property maxLength : integer read GetmaxLength write SetmaxLength;
Public property maxLengthElement : Tinteger read GetmaxLengthElement write SetmaxLengthElement;
Public property answerConstraint : string read GetanswerConstraint write SetanswerConstraint;
Public property answerConstraintElement : TQuestionnaireAnswerConstraint read GetanswerConstraintElement write SetanswerConstraintElement;
Public property answerValueSet : string read GetanswerValueSet write SetanswerValueSet;
Public property answerValueSetElement : Tcanonical read GetanswerValueSetElement write SetanswerValueSetElement;
Public property answerOption : TQuestionnaireAnswerOptionArray read GetanswerOptionArray;
Public property initial : TQuestionnaireInitialArray read GetinitialArray;
Public property item : TQuestionnaireItemArray read GetitemArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;

An identifier that is unique within the Questionnaire allowing linkage to the equivalent item in a QuestionnaireResponse resource.

Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property definition : string read Getdefinition write Setdefinition;

This element is a URI that refers to an [ElementDefinition](elementdefinition.html) or to an [ObservationDefinition](observationdefinition.html) that provides information about this item, including information that might otherwise be included in the instance of the Questionnaire resource. A detailed description of the construction of the URI is shown in [Comments](questionnaire.html#definition), below.

Public property definitionElement : Turi read GetdefinitionElement write SetdefinitionElement;
Public property code : TCodingArray read GetcodeArray;

A terminology code that corresponds to this group or question (e.g. a code from LOINC, which defines many questions and answers).

Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;

A short label for a particular group, question or set of display text within the questionnaire used for reference by the individual completing the questionnaire.

Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;

The name of a section, the text of a question or text content for a display item.

Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_;

The type of questionnaire item this is - whether text for display, a grouping of other items or a particular type of data to be captured (string, integer, Coding, etc.).

Public property type_Element : TQuestionnaireItemType read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element;
Public property enableWhen : TQuestionnaireEnableWhenArray read GetenableWhenArray;

A constraint indicating that this item should only be enabled (displayed/allow answers to be captured) when the specified condition is true.

Public property enableBehavior : string read GetenableBehavior write SetenableBehavior;

Controls how multiple enableWhen values are interpreted - whether all or any must be true.

Public property enableBehaviorElement : TEnableWhenBehavior read GetenableBehaviorElement write SetenableBehaviorElement;
Public property disabledDisplay : string read GetdisabledDisplay write SetdisabledDisplay;

Indicates if and how items that are disabled (because enableWhen evaluates to 'false') should be displayed.

Public property disabledDisplayElement : TQuestionnaireItemDisabledDisplay read GetdisabledDisplayElement write SetdisabledDisplayElement;
Public property required : boolean read Getrequired write Setrequired;

An indication, if true, that the item must be present in a "completed" QuestionnaireResponse. If false, the item may be skipped when answering the questionnaire.

Public property requiredElement : Tboolean read GetrequiredElement write SetrequiredElement;
Public property repeats : boolean read Getrepeats write Setrepeats;

An indication, if true, that a QuestionnaireResponse for this item may include multiple answers associated with a single instance of this item (for question-type items) or multiple repetitions of the item (for group-type items).

Public property repeatsElement : Tboolean read GetrepeatsElement write SetrepeatsElement;
Public property readOnly : boolean read GetreadOnly write SetreadOnly;

An indication, when true, that the value cannot be changed by a human respondent to the Questionnaire.

Public property readOnlyElement : Tboolean read GetreadOnlyElement write SetreadOnlyElement;
Public property maxLength : integer read GetmaxLength write SetmaxLength;

The maximum number of characters that are permitted in the answer to be considered a "valid" QuestionnaireResponse.

Public property maxLengthElement : Tinteger read GetmaxLengthElement write SetmaxLengthElement;
Public property answerConstraint : string read GetanswerConstraint write SetanswerConstraint;

For items that have a defined set of allowed answers (via answerOption or answerValueSet), indicates whether values *other* than those specified can be selected.

Public property answerConstraintElement : TQuestionnaireAnswerConstraint read GetanswerConstraintElement write SetanswerConstraintElement;
Public property answerValueSet : string read GetanswerValueSet write SetanswerValueSet;

A reference to a value set containing a list of values representing permitted answers for a question.

Public property answerValueSetElement : Tcanonical read GetanswerValueSetElement write SetanswerValueSetElement;
Public property answerOption : TQuestionnaireAnswerOptionArray read GetanswerOptionArray;

One of the permitted answers for the question.

Public property initial : TQuestionnaireInitialArray read GetinitialArray;

One or more values that should be pre-populated in the answer when initially rendering the questionnaire for user input.

Public property item : TQuestionnaireItemArray read GetitemArray;

Text, questions and other groups to be nested beneath a question or group.

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