Class TQuestionnaireAnswerOption



type TQuestionnaireAnswerOption = class(TBackboneElement)


A structured set of questions intended to guide the collection of answers from end-users. Questionnaires provide detailed control over order, presentation, phraseology and grouping to allow coherent, consistent data collection.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property valueInteger : integer read GetvalueInteger write SetvalueInteger;
Public property valueIntegerElement : Tinteger read GetvalueIntegerElement write SetvalueIntegerElement;
Public property valueDate : string read GetvalueDate write SetvalueDate;
Public property valueDateElement : Tdate_ read GetvalueDateElement write SetvalueDateElement;
Public property valueTime : string read GetvalueTime write SetvalueTime;
Public property valueTimeElement : Ttime_ read GetvalueTimeElement write SetvalueTimeElement;
Public property valueString : string read GetvalueString write SetvalueString;
Public property valueStringElement : Tstring read GetvalueStringElement write SetvalueStringElement;
Public property valueCoding : TCoding read GetvalueCoding write SetvalueCoding;
Public property valueReference : TReference read GetvalueReference write SetvalueReference;
Public property initialSelected : boolean read GetinitialSelected write SetinitialSelected;
Public property initialSelectedElement : Tboolean read GetinitialSelectedElement write SetinitialSelectedElement;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property valueInteger : integer read GetvalueInteger write SetvalueInteger;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property valueIntegerElement : Tinteger read GetvalueIntegerElement write SetvalueIntegerElement;
Public property valueDate : string read GetvalueDate write SetvalueDate;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property valueDateElement : Tdate_ read GetvalueDateElement write SetvalueDateElement;
Public property valueTime : string read GetvalueTime write SetvalueTime;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property valueTimeElement : Ttime_ read GetvalueTimeElement write SetvalueTimeElement;
Public property valueString : string read GetvalueString write SetvalueString;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property valueStringElement : Tstring read GetvalueStringElement write SetvalueStringElement;
Public property valueCoding : TCoding read GetvalueCoding write SetvalueCoding;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property valueReference : TReference read GetvalueReference write SetvalueReference;

A potential answer that's allowed as the answer to this question. (choose any one of value*, but only one)

Public property initialSelected : boolean read GetinitialSelected write SetinitialSelected;

Indicates whether the answer value is selected when the list of possible answers is initially shown.

Public property initialSelectedElement : Tboolean read GetinitialSelectedElement write SetinitialSelectedElement;

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