Class TPlanDefinitionAction



type TPlanDefinitionAction = class(TBackboneElement)


This resource allows for the definition of various types of plans as a sharable, consumable, and executable artifact. The resource is general enough to support the description of a broad range of clinical and non-clinical artifacts such as clinical decision support rules, order sets, protocols, and drug quality specifications.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;
Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;
Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property title : string read Gettitle write Settitle;
Public property titleElement : Tstring read GettitleElement write SettitleElement;
Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;
Public property descriptionElement : Tmarkdown read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property textEquivalent : string read GettextEquivalent write SettextEquivalent;
Public property textEquivalentElement : Tmarkdown read GettextEquivalentElement write SettextEquivalentElement;
Public property priority : string read Getpriority write Setpriority;
Public property priorityElement : TRequestPriority read GetpriorityElement write SetpriorityElement;
Public property code : TCodeableConcept read Getcode write Setcode;
Public property reason : TCodeableConceptArray read GetreasonArray;
Public property documentation : TRelatedArtifactArray read GetdocumentationArray;
Public property goalId : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetgoalIdArray;
Public property subjectCodeableConcept : TCodeableConcept read GetsubjectCodeableConcept write SetsubjectCodeableConcept;
Public property subjectReference : TReference read GetsubjectReference write SetsubjectReference;
Public property subjectCanonical : string read GetsubjectCanonical write SetsubjectCanonical;
Public property subjectCanonicalElement : Tcanonical read GetsubjectCanonicalElement write SetsubjectCanonicalElement;
Public property trigger : TTriggerDefinitionArray read GettriggerArray;
Public property condition : TPlanDefinitionConditionArray read GetconditionArray;
Public property input : TPlanDefinitionInputArray read GetinputArray;
Public property output : TPlanDefinitionOutputArray read GetoutputArray;
Public property relatedAction : TPlanDefinitionRelatedActionArray read GetrelatedActionArray;
Public property timingAge : TAge read GettimingAge write SettimingAge;
Public property timingDuration : TDuration read GettimingDuration write SettimingDuration;
Public property timingRange : TRange read GettimingRange write SettimingRange;
Public property timingTiming : TTiming read GettimingTiming write SettimingTiming;
Public property location : TCodeableReference read Getlocation write Setlocation;
Public property participant : TPlanDefinitionParticipantArray read GetparticipantArray;
Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property groupingBehavior : string read GetgroupingBehavior write SetgroupingBehavior;
Public property groupingBehaviorElement : TActionGroupingBehavior read GetgroupingBehaviorElement write SetgroupingBehaviorElement;
Public property selectionBehavior : string read GetselectionBehavior write SetselectionBehavior;
Public property selectionBehaviorElement : TActionSelectionBehavior read GetselectionBehaviorElement write SetselectionBehaviorElement;
Public property requiredBehavior : string read GetrequiredBehavior write SetrequiredBehavior;
Public property requiredBehaviorElement : TActionRequiredBehavior read GetrequiredBehaviorElement write SetrequiredBehaviorElement;
Public property precheckBehavior : string read GetprecheckBehavior write SetprecheckBehavior;
Public property precheckBehaviorElement : TActionPrecheckBehavior read GetprecheckBehaviorElement write SetprecheckBehaviorElement;
Public property cardinalityBehavior : string read GetcardinalityBehavior write SetcardinalityBehavior;
Public property cardinalityBehaviorElement : TActionCardinalityBehavior read GetcardinalityBehaviorElement write SetcardinalityBehaviorElement;
Public property definitionCanonical : string read GetdefinitionCanonical write SetdefinitionCanonical;
Public property definitionCanonicalElement : Tcanonical read GetdefinitionCanonicalElement write SetdefinitionCanonicalElement;
Public property definitionUri : string read GetdefinitionUri write SetdefinitionUri;
Public property definitionUriElement : Turi read GetdefinitionUriElement write SetdefinitionUriElement;
Public property transform : string read Gettransform write Settransform;
Public property transformElement : Tcanonical read GettransformElement write SettransformElement;
Public property dynamicValue : TPlanDefinitionDynamicValueArray read GetdynamicValueArray;
Public property action : TPlanDefinitionActionArray read GetactionArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property linkId : string read GetlinkId write SetlinkId;

An identifier that is unique within the PlanDefinition to allow linkage within the realized CarePlan and/or RequestOrchestration.

Public property linkIdElement : Tstring read GetlinkIdElement write SetlinkIdElement;
Public property prefix : string read Getprefix write Setprefix;

A user-visible prefix for the action. For example a section or item numbering such as 1. or A.

Public property prefixElement : Tstring read GetprefixElement write SetprefixElement;
Public property title : string read Gettitle write Settitle;

The textual description of the action displayed to a user. For example, when the action is a test to be performed, the title would be the title of the test such as Assay by HPLC.

Public property titleElement : Tstring read GettitleElement write SettitleElement;
Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;

A brief description of the action used to provide a summary to display to the user.

Public property descriptionElement : Tmarkdown read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property textEquivalent : string read GettextEquivalent write SettextEquivalent;

A text equivalent of the action to be performed. This provides a human-interpretable description of the action when the definition is consumed by a system that might not be capable of interpreting it dynamically.

Public property textEquivalentElement : Tmarkdown read GettextEquivalentElement write SettextEquivalentElement;
Public property priority : string read Getpriority write Setpriority;

Indicates how quickly the action should be addressed with respect to other actions.

Public property priorityElement : TRequestPriority read GetpriorityElement write SetpriorityElement;
Public property code : TCodeableConcept read Getcode write Setcode;

A code that provides a meaning, grouping, or classification for the action or action group. For example, a section may have a LOINC code for the section of a documentation template. In pharmaceutical quality, an action (Test) such as pH could be classified as a physical property.

Public property reason : TCodeableConceptArray read GetreasonArray;

A description of why this action is necessary or appropriate.

Public property documentation : TRelatedArtifactArray read GetdocumentationArray;

Didactic or other informational resources associated with the action that can be provided to the CDS recipient. Information resources can include inline text commentary and links to web resources.

Public property goalId : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetgoalIdArray;

Identifies goals that this action supports. The reference must be to a goal element defined within this plan definition. In pharmaceutical quality, a goal represents acceptance criteria (Goal) for a given action (Test), so the goalId would be the unique id of a defined goal element establishing the acceptance criteria for the action.

Public property subjectCodeableConcept : TCodeableConcept read GetsubjectCodeableConcept write SetsubjectCodeableConcept;

A code, group definition, or canonical reference that describes the intended subject of the action and its children, if any. Canonical references are allowed to support the definition of protocols for drug and substance quality specifications, and is allowed to reference a MedicinalProductDefinition, SubstanceDefinition, AdministrableProductDefinition, ManufacturedItemDefinition, or PackagedProductDefinition resource. (choose any one of subject*, but only one)

Public property subjectReference : TReference read GetsubjectReference write SetsubjectReference;

A code, group definition, or canonical reference that describes the intended subject of the action and its children, if any. Canonical references are allowed to support the definition of protocols for drug and substance quality specifications, and is allowed to reference a MedicinalProductDefinition, SubstanceDefinition, AdministrableProductDefinition, ManufacturedItemDefinition, or PackagedProductDefinition resource. (choose any one of subject*, but only one)

Public property subjectCanonical : string read GetsubjectCanonical write SetsubjectCanonical;

A code, group definition, or canonical reference that describes the intended subject of the action and its children, if any. Canonical references are allowed to support the definition of protocols for drug and substance quality specifications, and is allowed to reference a MedicinalProductDefinition, SubstanceDefinition, AdministrableProductDefinition, ManufacturedItemDefinition, or PackagedProductDefinition resource. (choose any one of subject*, but only one)

Public property subjectCanonicalElement : Tcanonical read GetsubjectCanonicalElement write SetsubjectCanonicalElement;
Public property trigger : TTriggerDefinitionArray read GettriggerArray;

A description of when the action should be triggered. When multiple triggers are specified on an action, any triggering event invokes the action.

Public property condition : TPlanDefinitionConditionArray read GetconditionArray;

An expression that describes applicability criteria or start/stop conditions for the action.

Public property input : TPlanDefinitionInputArray read GetinputArray;

Defines input data requirements for the action.

Public property output : TPlanDefinitionOutputArray read GetoutputArray;

Defines the outputs of the action, if any.

Public property relatedAction : TPlanDefinitionRelatedActionArray read GetrelatedActionArray;

A relationship to another action such as "before" or "30-60 minutes after start of".

Public property timingAge : TAge read GettimingAge write SettimingAge;

An optional value describing when the action should be performed. (choose any one of timing*, but only one)

Public property timingDuration : TDuration read GettimingDuration write SettimingDuration;

An optional value describing when the action should be performed. (choose any one of timing*, but only one)

Public property timingRange : TRange read GettimingRange write SettimingRange;

An optional value describing when the action should be performed. (choose any one of timing*, but only one)

Public property timingTiming : TTiming read GettimingTiming write SettimingTiming;

An optional value describing when the action should be performed. (choose any one of timing*, but only one)

Public property location : TCodeableReference read Getlocation write Setlocation;

Identifies the facility where the action will occur; e.g. home, hospital, specific clinic, etc.

Public property participant : TPlanDefinitionParticipantArray read GetparticipantArray;

Indicates who should participate in performing the action described.

Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;

The type of action to perform (create, update, remove).

Public property groupingBehavior : string read GetgroupingBehavior write SetgroupingBehavior;

Defines the grouping behavior for the action and its children.

Public property groupingBehaviorElement : TActionGroupingBehavior read GetgroupingBehaviorElement write SetgroupingBehaviorElement;
Public property selectionBehavior : string read GetselectionBehavior write SetselectionBehavior;

Defines the selection behavior for the action and its children.

Public property selectionBehaviorElement : TActionSelectionBehavior read GetselectionBehaviorElement write SetselectionBehaviorElement;
Public property requiredBehavior : string read GetrequiredBehavior write SetrequiredBehavior;

Defines the required behavior for the action.

Public property requiredBehaviorElement : TActionRequiredBehavior read GetrequiredBehaviorElement write SetrequiredBehaviorElement;
Public property precheckBehavior : string read GetprecheckBehavior write SetprecheckBehavior;

Defines whether the action should usually be preselected.

Public property precheckBehaviorElement : TActionPrecheckBehavior read GetprecheckBehaviorElement write SetprecheckBehaviorElement;
Public property cardinalityBehavior : string read GetcardinalityBehavior write SetcardinalityBehavior;

Defines whether the action can be selected multiple times.

Public property cardinalityBehaviorElement : TActionCardinalityBehavior read GetcardinalityBehaviorElement write SetcardinalityBehaviorElement;
Public property definitionCanonical : string read GetdefinitionCanonical write SetdefinitionCanonical;

A reference to an ActivityDefinition that describes the action to be taken in detail, a MessageDefinition describing a message to be snet, a PlanDefinition that describes a series of actions to be taken, a Questionnaire that should be filled out, a SpecimenDefinition describing a specimen to be collected, or an ObservationDefinition that specifies what observation should be captured. (choose any one of definition*, but only one)

Public property definitionCanonicalElement : Tcanonical read GetdefinitionCanonicalElement write SetdefinitionCanonicalElement;
Public property definitionUri : string read GetdefinitionUri write SetdefinitionUri;

A reference to an ActivityDefinition that describes the action to be taken in detail, a MessageDefinition describing a message to be snet, a PlanDefinition that describes a series of actions to be taken, a Questionnaire that should be filled out, a SpecimenDefinition describing a specimen to be collected, or an ObservationDefinition that specifies what observation should be captured. (choose any one of definition*, but only one)

Public property definitionUriElement : Turi read GetdefinitionUriElement write SetdefinitionUriElement;
Public property transform : string read Gettransform write Settransform;

A reference to a StructureMap resource that defines a transform that can be executed to produce the intent resource using the ActivityDefinition instance as the input.

Public property transformElement : Tcanonical read GettransformElement write SettransformElement;
Public property dynamicValue : TPlanDefinitionDynamicValueArray read GetdynamicValueArray;

Customizations that should be applied to the statically defined resource. For example, if the dosage of a medication must be computed based on the patient's weight, a customization would be used to specify an expression that calculated the weight, and the path on the resource that would contain the result.

Public property action : TPlanDefinitionActionArray read GetactionArray;

Sub actions that are contained within the action. The behavior of this action determines the functionality of the sub-actions. For example, a selection behavior of at-most-one indicates that of the sub-actions, at most one may be chosen as part of realizing the action definition.

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