Class TInventoryReport



type TInventoryReport = class(TDomainResource)


A report of inventory or stock items. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TInventoryReportStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property countType : string read GetcountType write SetcountType;
Public property countTypeElement : TInventoryCountType read GetcountTypeElement write SetcountTypeElement;
Public property operationType : TCodeableConcept read GetoperationType write SetoperationType;
Public property operationTypeReason : TCodeableConcept read GetoperationTypeReason write SetoperationTypeReason;
Public property reportedDateTime : string read GetreportedDateTime write SetreportedDateTime;
Public property reportedDateTimeElement : TdateTime_ read GetreportedDateTimeElement write SetreportedDateTimeElement;
Public property reporter : TReference read Getreporter write Setreporter;
Public property reportingPeriod : TPeriod read GetreportingPeriod write SetreportingPeriod;
Public property inventoryListing : TInventoryReportInventoryListingArray read GetinventoryListingArray;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Business identifier for the InventoryReport.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

The status of the inventory check or notification - whether this is draft (e.g. the report is still pending some updates) or active.

Public property statusElement : TInventoryReportStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property countType : string read GetcountType write SetcountType;

Whether the report is about the current inventory count (snapshot) or a differential change in inventory (change).

Public property countTypeElement : TInventoryCountType read GetcountTypeElement write SetcountTypeElement;
Public property operationType : TCodeableConcept read GetoperationType write SetoperationType;

What type of operation is being performed - addition or subtraction.

Public property operationTypeReason : TCodeableConcept read GetoperationTypeReason write SetoperationTypeReason;

The reason for this count - regular count, ad-hoc count, new arrivals, etc.

Public property reportedDateTime : string read GetreportedDateTime write SetreportedDateTime;

When the report has been submitted.

Public property reportedDateTimeElement : TdateTime_ read GetreportedDateTimeElement write SetreportedDateTimeElement;
Public property reporter : TReference read Getreporter write Setreporter;

Who submits the report.

Public property reportingPeriod : TPeriod read GetreportingPeriod write SetreportingPeriod;

The period the report refers to.

Public property inventoryListing : TInventoryReportInventoryListingArray read GetinventoryListingArray;

An inventory listing section (grouped by any of the attributes).

Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;

A note associated with the InventoryReport.

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