Class TEncounterHistory



type TEncounterHistory = class(TDomainResource)


A record of significant events/milestones key data throughout the history of an Encounter, often tracked for specific purposes such as billing. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;
Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TEncounterStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property class_ : TCodeableConcept read Getclass_ write Setclass_;
Public property type_ : TCodeableConceptArray read Gettype_Array;
Public property serviceType : TCodeableReferenceArray read GetserviceTypeArray;
Public property subject : TReference read Getsubject write Setsubject;
Public property subjectStatus : TCodeableConcept read GetsubjectStatus write SetsubjectStatus;
Public property actualPeriod : TPeriod read GetactualPeriod write SetactualPeriod;
Public property plannedStartDate : string read GetplannedStartDate write SetplannedStartDate;
Public property plannedStartDateElement : TdateTime_ read GetplannedStartDateElement write SetplannedStartDateElement;
Public property plannedEndDate : string read GetplannedEndDate write SetplannedEndDate;
Public property plannedEndDateElement : TdateTime_ read GetplannedEndDateElement write SetplannedEndDateElement;
Public property length : TDuration read Getlength write Setlength;
Public property location : TEncounterHistoryLocationArray read GetlocationArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;

The Encounter associated with this set of historic values.

Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Identifier(s) by which this encounter is known.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

planned | in-progress | on-hold | discharged | completed | cancelled | discontinued | entered-in-error | unknown.

Public property statusElement : TEncounterStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property class_ : TCodeableConcept read Getclass_ write Setclass_;

Concepts representing classification of patient encounter such as ambulatory (outpatient), inpatient, emergency, home health or others due to local variations.

Public property type_ : TCodeableConceptArray read Gettype_Array;

Specific type of encounter (e.g. e-mail consultation, surgical day-care, skilled nursing, rehabilitation).

Public property serviceType : TCodeableReferenceArray read GetserviceTypeArray;

Broad categorization of the service that is to be provided (e.g. cardiology).

Public property subject : TReference read Getsubject write Setsubject;

The patient or group related to this encounter. In some use-cases the patient MAY not be present, such as a case meeting about a patient between several practitioners or a careteam.

Public property subjectStatus : TCodeableConcept read GetsubjectStatus write SetsubjectStatus;

The subjectStatus value can be used to track the patient's status within the encounter. It details whether the patient has arrived or departed, has been triaged or is currently in a waiting status.

Public property actualPeriod : TPeriod read GetactualPeriod write SetactualPeriod;

The start and end time associated with this set of values associated with the encounter, may be different to the planned times for various reasons.

Public property plannedStartDate : string read GetplannedStartDate write SetplannedStartDate;

The planned start date/time (or admission date) of the encounter.

Public property plannedStartDateElement : TdateTime_ read GetplannedStartDateElement write SetplannedStartDateElement;
Public property plannedEndDate : string read GetplannedEndDate write SetplannedEndDate;

The planned end date/time (or discharge date) of the encounter.

Public property plannedEndDateElement : TdateTime_ read GetplannedEndDateElement write SetplannedEndDateElement;
Public property length : TDuration read Getlength write Setlength;

Actual quantity of time the encounter lasted. This excludes the time during leaves of absence.

When missing it is the time in between the start and end values.

Public property location : TEncounterHistoryLocationArray read GetlocationArray;

The location of the patient at this point in the encounter, the multiple cardinality permits de-normalizing the levels of the location hierarchy, such as site/ward/room/bed.

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