Class TClaimResponseAddItem



type TClaimResponseAddItem = class(TBackboneElement)


This resource provides the adjudication details from the processing of a Claim resource.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property itemSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetitemSequenceArray;
Public property detailSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetdetailSequenceArray;
Public property subdetailSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetsubdetailSequenceArray;
Public property traceNumber : TIdentifierArray read GettraceNumberArray;
Public property provider : TReferenceArray read GetproviderArray;
Public property revenue : TCodeableConcept read Getrevenue write Setrevenue;
Public property productOrService : TCodeableConcept read GetproductOrService write SetproductOrService;
Public property productOrServiceEnd : TCodeableConcept read GetproductOrServiceEnd write SetproductOrServiceEnd;
Public property request : TReferenceArray read GetrequestArray;
Public property modifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetmodifierArray;
Public property programCode : TCodeableConceptArray read GetprogramCodeArray;
Public property servicedDate : string read GetservicedDate write SetservicedDate;
Public property servicedDateElement : Tdate_ read GetservicedDateElement write SetservicedDateElement;
Public property servicedPeriod : TPeriod read GetservicedPeriod write SetservicedPeriod;
Public property locationCodeableConcept : TCodeableConcept read GetlocationCodeableConcept write SetlocationCodeableConcept;
Public property locationAddress : TAddress read GetlocationAddress write SetlocationAddress;
Public property locationReference : TReference read GetlocationReference write SetlocationReference;
Public property quantity : TQuantity read Getquantity write Setquantity;
Public property unitPrice : TMoney read GetunitPrice write SetunitPrice;
Public property factor : Double read Getfactor write Setfactor;
Public property factorElement : Tdecimal read GetfactorElement write SetfactorElement;
Public property tax : TMoney read Gettax write Settax;
Public property net : TMoney read Getnet write Setnet;
Public property bodySite : TClaimResponseBodySiteArray read GetbodySiteArray;
Public property noteNumber : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetnoteNumberArray;
Public property reviewOutcome : TClaimResponseReviewOutcome read GetreviewOutcome write SetreviewOutcome;
Public property adjudication : TClaimResponseAdjudicationArray read GetadjudicationArray;
Public property detail : TClaimResponseDetail1Array read GetdetailArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property itemSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetitemSequenceArray;

Claim items which this service line is intended to replace.

Public property detailSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetdetailSequenceArray;

The sequence number of the details within the claim item which this line is intended to replace.

Public property subdetailSequence : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetsubdetailSequenceArray;

The sequence number of the sub-details within the details within the claim item which this line is intended to replace.

Public property traceNumber : TIdentifierArray read GettraceNumberArray;

Trace number for tracking purposes. May be defined at the jurisdiction level or between trading partners.

Public property provider : TReferenceArray read GetproviderArray;

The providers who are authorized for the services rendered to the patient.

Public property revenue : TCodeableConcept read Getrevenue write Setrevenue;

The type of revenue or cost center providing the product and/or service.

Public property productOrService : TCodeableConcept read GetproductOrService write SetproductOrService;

When the value is a group code then this item collects a set of related item details, otherwise this contains the product, service, drug or other billing code for the item. This element may be the start of a range of .productOrService codes used in conjunction with .productOrServiceEnd or it may be a solo element where .productOrServiceEnd is not used.

Public property productOrServiceEnd : TCodeableConcept read GetproductOrServiceEnd write SetproductOrServiceEnd;

This contains the end of a range of product, service, drug or other billing codes for the item. This element is not used when the .productOrService is a group code. This value may only be present when a .productOfService code has been provided to convey the start of the range. Typically this value may be used only with preauthorizations and not with claims.

Public property request : TReferenceArray read GetrequestArray;

Request or Referral for Goods or Service to be rendered.

Public property modifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetmodifierArray;

Item typification or modifiers codes to convey additional context for the product or service.

Public property programCode : TCodeableConceptArray read GetprogramCodeArray;

Identifies the program under which this may be recovered.

Public property servicedDate : string read GetservicedDate write SetservicedDate;

The date or dates when the service or product was supplied, performed or completed. (choose any one of serviced*, but only one)

Public property servicedDateElement : Tdate_ read GetservicedDateElement write SetservicedDateElement;
Public property servicedPeriod : TPeriod read GetservicedPeriod write SetservicedPeriod;

The date or dates when the service or product was supplied, performed or completed. (choose any one of serviced*, but only one)

Public property locationCodeableConcept : TCodeableConcept read GetlocationCodeableConcept write SetlocationCodeableConcept;

Where the product or service was provided. (choose any one of location*, but only one)

Public property locationAddress : TAddress read GetlocationAddress write SetlocationAddress;

Where the product or service was provided. (choose any one of location*, but only one)

Public property locationReference : TReference read GetlocationReference write SetlocationReference;

Where the product or service was provided. (choose any one of location*, but only one)

Public property quantity : TQuantity read Getquantity write Setquantity;

The number of repetitions of a service or product.

Public property unitPrice : TMoney read GetunitPrice write SetunitPrice;

If the item is not a group then this is the fee for the product or service, otherwise this is the total of the fees for the details of the group.

Public property factor : Double read Getfactor write Setfactor;

A real number that represents a multiplier used in determining the overall value of services delivered and/or goods received. The concept of a Factor allows for a discount or surcharge multiplier to be applied to a monetary amount.

Public property factorElement : Tdecimal read GetfactorElement write SetfactorElement;
Public property tax : TMoney read Gettax write Settax;

The total of taxes applicable for this product or service.

Public property net : TMoney read Getnet write Setnet;

The total amount claimed for the group (if a grouper) or the addItem. Net = unit price * quantity * factor.

Public property bodySite : TClaimResponseBodySiteArray read GetbodySiteArray;

Physical location where the service is performed or applies.

Public property noteNumber : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetnoteNumberArray;

The numbers associated with notes below which apply to the adjudication of this item.

Public property reviewOutcome : TClaimResponseReviewOutcome read GetreviewOutcome write SetreviewOutcome;

The high-level results of the adjudication if adjudication has been performed.

Public property adjudication : TClaimResponseAdjudicationArray read GetadjudicationArray;

The adjudication results.

Public property detail : TClaimResponseDetail1Array read GetdetailArray;

The second-tier service adjudications for payor added services.

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