Class TClaimInsurance
type TClaimInsurance = class(TBackboneElement)
A provider issued list of professional services and products which have been provided, or are to be provided, to a patient which is sent to an insurer for reimbursement.
constructor Create; override; |
property sequence : Int64 read Getsequence write Setsequence; |
A number to uniquely identify insurance entries and provide a sequence of coverages to convey coordination of benefit order.
property sequenceElement : TpositiveInt read GetsequenceElement write SetsequenceElement; |
property focal : boolean read Getfocal write Setfocal; |
A flag to indicate that this Coverage is to be used for adjudication of this claim when set to true.
property focalElement : Tboolean read GetfocalElement write SetfocalElement; |
property identifier : TIdentifier read Getidentifier write Setidentifier; |
The business identifier to be used when the claim is sent for adjudication against this insurance policy.
property coverage : TReference read Getcoverage write Setcoverage; |
Reference to the insurance card level information contained in the Coverage resource. The coverage issuing insurer will use these details to locate the patient's actual coverage within the insurer's information system.
property businessArrangement : string read GetbusinessArrangement write SetbusinessArrangement; |
A business agreement number established between the provider and the insurer for special business processing purposes.
property businessArrangementElement : Tstring read GetbusinessArrangementElement write SetbusinessArrangementElement; |
property preAuthRef : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetpreAuthRefArray; |
Reference numbers previously provided by the insurer to the provider to be quoted on subsequent claims containing services or products related to the prior authorization.
property claimResponse : TReference read GetclaimResponse write SetclaimResponse; |
The result of the adjudication of the line items for the Coverage specified in this insurance.
Generated by PasDoc 0.15.0.