Class TChargeItem
type TChargeItem = class(TDomainResource)
The resource ChargeItem describes the provision of healthcare provider products for a certain patient, therefore referring not only to the product, but containing in addition details of the provision, like date, time, amounts and participating organizations and persons. Main Usage of the ChargeItem is to enable the billing process and internal cost allocation. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray; |
Identifiers assigned to this event performer or other systems.
property definitionUri : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetdefinitionUriArray; |
References the (external) source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem uses.
property definitionCanonical : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetdefinitionCanonicalArray; |
References the source of pricing information, rules of application for the code this ChargeItem uses.
property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus; |
The current state of the ChargeItem.
property statusElement : TChargeItemStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement; |
property partOf : TReferenceArray read GetpartOfArray; |
ChargeItems can be grouped to larger ChargeItems covering the whole set.
property code : TCodeableConcept read Getcode write Setcode; |
A code that identifies the charge, like a billing code.
property subject : TReference read Getsubject write Setsubject; |
The individual or set of individuals the action is being or was performed on.
property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter; |
This ChargeItem has the details of how the associated Encounter should be billed or otherwise be handled by finance systems.
property occurrenceDateTime : string read GetoccurrenceDateTime write SetoccurrenceDateTime; |
Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was applied. (choose any one of occurrence*, but only one)
property occurrenceDateTimeElement : TdateTime_ read GetoccurrenceDateTimeElement write SetoccurrenceDateTimeElement; |
property occurrencePeriod : TPeriod read GetoccurrencePeriod write SetoccurrencePeriod; |
Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was applied. (choose any one of occurrence*, but only one)
property occurrenceTiming : TTiming read GetoccurrenceTiming write SetoccurrenceTiming; |
Date/time(s) or duration when the charged service was applied. (choose any one of occurrence*, but only one)
property performer : TChargeItemPerformerArray read GetperformerArray; |
Indicates who or what performed or participated in the charged service.
property performingOrganization : TReference read GetperformingOrganization write SetperformingOrganization; |
The organization performing the service.
property requestingOrganization : TReference read GetrequestingOrganization write SetrequestingOrganization; |
The organization requesting the service.
property costCenter : TReference read GetcostCenter write SetcostCenter; |
The financial cost center permits the tracking of charge attribution.
property quantity : TQuantity read Getquantity write Setquantity; |
Quantity of which the charge item has been serviced.
property bodysite : TCodeableConceptArray read GetbodysiteArray; |
The anatomical location where the related service has been applied.
property unitPriceComponent : TMonetaryComponent read GetunitPriceComponent write SetunitPriceComponent; |
The unit price of the chargable item.
property totalPriceComponent : TMonetaryComponent read GettotalPriceComponent write SettotalPriceComponent; |
The total price for the chargable item, accounting for the quantity.
property overrideReason : TCodeableConcept read GetoverrideReason write SetoverrideReason; |
If the list price or the rule-based factor associated with the code is overridden, this attribute can capture a text to indicate the reason for this action.
property enterer : TReference read Getenterer write Setenterer; |
The device, practitioner, etc. who entered the charge item.
property enteredDate : string read GetenteredDate write SetenteredDate; |
Date the charge item was entered.
property enteredDateElement : TdateTime_ read GetenteredDateElement write SetenteredDateElement; |
property reason : TCodeableConceptArray read GetreasonArray; |
Describes why the event occurred in coded or textual form.
property service : TCodeableReferenceArray read GetserviceArray; |
Indicated the rendered service that caused this charge.
property product : TCodeableReferenceArray read GetproductArray; |
Identifies the device, food, drug or other product being charged either by type code or reference to an instance.
property account : TReferenceArray read GetaccountArray; |
Account into which this ChargeItems belongs.
property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray; |
Comments made about the event by the performer, subject or other participants.
property supportingInformation : TReferenceArray read GetsupportingInformationArray; |
Further information supporting this charge.
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