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Class TArtifactAssessment
type TArtifactAssessment = class(TDomainResource)
This Resource provides one or more comments, classifiers or ratings about a Resource and supports attribution and rights management metadata for the added content. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray; |
A formal identifier that is used to identify this artifact assessment when it is represented in other formats, or referenced in a specification, model, design or an instance.
property title : string read Gettitle write Settitle; |
A short title for the assessment for use in displaying and selecting.
property titleElement : Tstring read GettitleElement write SettitleElement; |
property citeAsReference : TReference read GetciteAsReference write SetciteAsReference; |
Display of or reference to the bibliographic citation of the comment, classifier, or rating. (choose any one of citeAs*, but only one)
property citeAsMarkdown : string read GetciteAsMarkdown write SetciteAsMarkdown; |
Display of or reference to the bibliographic citation of the comment, classifier, or rating. (choose any one of citeAs*, but only one)
property citeAsMarkdownElement : Tmarkdown read GetciteAsMarkdownElement write SetciteAsMarkdownElement; |
property date_ : string read Getdate_ write Setdate_; |
The date (and optionally time) when the artifact assessment was published. The date must change when the disposition changes and it must change if the workflow status code changes. In addition, it should change when the substantive content of the artifact assessment changes.
property date_Element : TdateTime_ read Getdate_Element write Setdate_Element; |
property copyright : string read Getcopyright write Setcopyright; |
A copyright statement relating to the artifact assessment and/or its contents. Copyright statements are generally legal restrictions on the use and publishing of the artifact assessment.
property copyrightElement : Tmarkdown read GetcopyrightElement write SetcopyrightElement; |
property approvalDate : string read GetapprovalDate write SetapprovalDate; |
The date on which the resource content was approved by the publisher. Approval happens once when the content is officially approved for usage.
property approvalDateElement : Tdate_ read GetapprovalDateElement write SetapprovalDateElement; |
property lastReviewDate : string read GetlastReviewDate write SetlastReviewDate; |
The date on which the resource content was last reviewed. Review happens periodically after approval but does not change the original approval date.
property lastReviewDateElement : Tdate_ read GetlastReviewDateElement write SetlastReviewDateElement; |
property artifactReference : TReference read GetartifactReference write SetartifactReference; |
A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about. (choose any one of artifact*, but only one)
property artifactCanonical : string read GetartifactCanonical write SetartifactCanonical; |
A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about. (choose any one of artifact*, but only one)
property artifactCanonicalElement : Tcanonical read GetartifactCanonicalElement write SetartifactCanonicalElement; |
property artifactUri : string read GetartifactUri write SetartifactUri; |
A reference to a resource, canonical resource, or non-FHIR resource which the comment or assessment is about. (choose any one of artifact*, but only one)
property artifactUriElement : Turi read GetartifactUriElement write SetartifactUriElement; |
property workflowStatus : string read GetworkflowStatus write SetworkflowStatus; |
Indicates the workflow status of the comment or change request.
property disposition : string read Getdisposition write Setdisposition; |
Indicates the disposition of the responsible party to the comment or change request.
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