Class TAppointmentWeeklyTemplate
type TAppointmentWeeklyTemplate = class(TBackboneElement)
A booking of a healthcare event among patient(s), practitioner(s), related person(s) and/or device(s) for a specific date/time. This may result in one or more Encounter(s).
constructor Create; override; |
property monday : boolean read Getmonday write Setmonday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Mondays.
property mondayElement : Tboolean read GetmondayElement write SetmondayElement; |
property tuesday : boolean read Gettuesday write Settuesday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Tuesdays.
property tuesdayElement : Tboolean read GettuesdayElement write SettuesdayElement; |
property wednesday : boolean read Getwednesday write Setwednesday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Wednesdays.
property wednesdayElement : Tboolean read GetwednesdayElement write SetwednesdayElement; |
property thursday : boolean read Getthursday write Setthursday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Thursdays.
property thursdayElement : Tboolean read GetthursdayElement write SetthursdayElement; |
property friday : boolean read Getfriday write Setfriday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Fridays.
property fridayElement : Tboolean read GetfridayElement write SetfridayElement; |
property saturday : boolean read Getsaturday write Setsaturday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Saturdays.
property saturdayElement : Tboolean read GetsaturdayElement write SetsaturdayElement; |
property sunday : boolean read Getsunday write Setsunday; |
Indicates that recurring appointments should occur on Sundays.
property sundayElement : Tboolean read GetsundayElement write SetsundayElement; |
property weekInterval : Int64 read GetweekInterval write SetweekInterval; |
The interval defines if the recurrence is every nth week. The default is every week, so it is expected that this value will be 2 or more.
e.g. For recurring every second week this interval would be 2, or every third week the interval would be 3.
property weekIntervalElement : TpositiveInt read GetweekIntervalElement write SetweekIntervalElement; |
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