Class TStructureMapSource
type TStructureMapSource = class(TBackboneElement)
A Map of relationships between 2 structures that can be used to transform data.
constructor Create; override; |
property context : string read Getcontext write Setcontext; |
Type or variable this rule applies to.
property contextElement : Tid read GetcontextElement write SetcontextElement; |
property min : integer read Getmin write Setmin; |
Specified minimum cardinality for the element. This is optional; if present, it acts an implicit check on the input content.
property minElement : Tinteger read GetminElement write SetminElement; |
property max : string read Getmax write Setmax; |
Specified maximum cardinality for the element - a number or a "*". This is optional; if present, it acts an implicit check on the input content (* just serves as documentation; it's the default value).
property maxElement : Tstring read GetmaxElement write SetmaxElement; |
property type_ : string read Gettype_ write Settype_; |
Specified type for the element. This works as a condition on the mapping - use for polymorphic elements.
property type_Element : Tstring read Gettype_Element write Settype_Element; |
property defaultValue : TElement read GetdefaultValue write SetdefaultValue; |
A value to use if there is no existing value in the source object.
property element : string read Getelement write Setelement; |
Optional field for this source.
property elementElement : Tstring read GetelementElement write SetelementElement; |
property listMode : string read GetlistMode write SetlistMode; |
How to handle the list mode for this element.
property variable : string read Getvariable write Setvariable; |
Named context for field, if a field is specified.
property variableElement : Tid read GetvariableElement write SetvariableElement; |
property condition : string read Getcondition write Setcondition; |
FHIRPath expression - must be true or the rule does not apply.
property conditionElement : Tstring read GetconditionElement write SetconditionElement; |
property check : string read Getcheck write Setcheck; |
FHIRPath expression - must be true or the mapping engine throws an error instead of completing.
property checkElement : Tstring read GetcheckElement write SetcheckElement; |
property logMessage : string read GetlogMessage write SetlogMessage; |
A FHIRPath expression which specifies a message to put in the transform log when content matching the source rule is found.
property logMessageElement : Tstring read GetlogMessageElement write SetlogMessageElement; |
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