Class TContractOffer



type TContractOffer = class(TBackboneElement)


Legally enforceable, formally recorded unilateral or bilateral directive i.e., a policy or agreement.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property party : TContractPartyArray read GetpartyArray;
Public property topic : TReference read Gettopic write Settopic;
Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property decision : TCodeableConcept read Getdecision write Setdecision;
Public property decisionMode : TCodeableConceptArray read GetdecisionModeArray;
Public property answer : TContractAnswerArray read GetanswerArray;
Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;
Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property linkId : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetlinkIdArray;
Public property securityLabelNumber : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetsecurityLabelNumberArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Unique identifier for this particular Contract Provision.

Public property party : TContractPartyArray read GetpartyArray;

Offer Recipient.

Public property topic : TReference read Gettopic write Settopic;

The owner of an asset has the residual control rights over the asset: the right to decide all usages of the asset in any way not inconsistent with a prior contract, custom, or law (Hart, 1995, p. 30).

Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;

Type of Contract Provision such as specific requirements, purposes for actions, obligations, prohibitions, e.g. life time maximum benefit.

Public property decision : TCodeableConcept read Getdecision write Setdecision;

Type of choice made by accepting party with respect to an offer made by an offeror/ grantee.

Public property decisionMode : TCodeableConceptArray read GetdecisionModeArray;

How the decision about a Contract was conveyed.

Public property answer : TContractAnswerArray read GetanswerArray;

Response to offer text.

Public property text : string read Gettext write Settext;

Human readable form of this Contract Offer.

Public property textElement : Tstring read GettextElement write SettextElement;
Public property linkId : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetlinkIdArray;

The id of the clause or question text of the offer in the referenced questionnaire/response.

Public property securityLabelNumber : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetsecurityLabelNumberArray;

Security labels that protects the offer.

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