Class TNutritionOrder



type TNutritionOrder = class(TDomainResource)


A request to supply a diet, formula feeding (enteral) or oral nutritional supplement to a patient/resident. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property instantiatesCanonical : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesCanonicalArray;
Public property instantiatesUri : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesUriArray;
Public property instantiates : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TRequestStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property intent : string read Getintent write Setintent;
Public property intentElement : TRequestIntent read GetintentElement write SetintentElement;
Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;
Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;
Public property dateTime_ : string read GetdateTime_ write SetdateTime_;
Public property dateTime_Element : TdateTime_ read GetdateTime_Element write SetdateTime_Element;
Public property orderer : TReference read Getorderer write Setorderer;
Public property allergyIntolerance : TReferenceArray read GetallergyIntoleranceArray;
Public property foodPreferenceModifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetfoodPreferenceModifierArray;
Public property excludeFoodModifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetexcludeFoodModifierArray;
Public property oralDiet : TNutritionOrderOralDiet read GetoralDiet write SetoralDiet;
Public property supplement : TNutritionOrderSupplementArray read GetsupplementArray;
Public property enteralFormula : TNutritionOrderEnteralFormula read GetenteralFormula write SetenteralFormula;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Identifiers assigned to this order by the order sender or by the order receiver.

Public property instantiatesCanonical : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesCanonicalArray;

The URL pointing to a FHIR-defined protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this NutritionOrder.

Public property instantiatesUri : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesUriArray;

The URL pointing to an externally maintained protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this NutritionOrder.

Public property instantiates : TBSFHIRPrimitiveStringArray read GetinstantiatesArray;

The URL pointing to a protocol, guideline, orderset or other definition that is adhered to in whole or in part by this NutritionOrder.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

The workflow status of the nutrition order/request.

Public property statusElement : TRequestStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property intent : string read Getintent write Setintent;

Indicates the level of authority/intentionality associated with the NutrionOrder and where the request fits into the workflow chain.

Public property intentElement : TRequestIntent read GetintentElement write SetintentElement;
Public property patient : TReference read Getpatient write Setpatient;

The person (patient) who needs the nutrition order for an oral diet, nutritional supplement and/or enteral or formula feeding.

Public property encounter : TReference read Getencounter write Setencounter;

An encounter that provides additional information about the healthcare context in which this request is made.

Public property dateTime_ : string read GetdateTime_ write SetdateTime_;

The date and time that this nutrition order was requested.

Public property dateTime_Element : TdateTime_ read GetdateTime_Element write SetdateTime_Element;
Public property orderer : TReference read Getorderer write Setorderer;

The practitioner that holds legal responsibility for ordering the diet, nutritional supplement, or formula feedings.

Public property allergyIntolerance : TReferenceArray read GetallergyIntoleranceArray;

A link to a record of allergies or intolerances which should be included in the nutrition order.

Public property foodPreferenceModifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetfoodPreferenceModifierArray;

This modifier is used to convey order-specific modifiers about the type of food that should be given. These can be derived from patient allergies, intolerances, or preferences such as Halal, Vegan or Kosher. This modifier applies to the entire nutrition order inclusive of the oral diet, nutritional supplements and enteral formula feedings.

Public property excludeFoodModifier : TCodeableConceptArray read GetexcludeFoodModifierArray;

This modifier is used to convey Order-specific modifier about the type of oral food or oral fluids that should not be given. These can be derived from patient allergies, intolerances, or preferences such as No Red Meat, No Soy or No Wheat or Gluten-Free. While it should not be necessary to repeat allergy or intolerance information captured in the referenced AllergyIntolerance resource in the excludeFoodModifier, this element may be used to convey additional specificity related to foods that should be eliminated from the patient’s diet for any reason. This modifier applies to the entire nutrition order inclusive of the oral diet, nutritional supplements and enteral formula feedings.

Public property oralDiet : TNutritionOrderOralDiet read GetoralDiet write SetoralDiet;

Diet given orally in contrast to enteral (tube) feeding.

Public property supplement : TNutritionOrderSupplementArray read GetsupplementArray;

Oral nutritional products given in order to add further nutritional value to the patient's diet.

Public property enteralFormula : TNutritionOrderEnteralFormula read GetenteralFormula write SetenteralFormula;

Feeding provided through the gastrointestinal tract via a tube, catheter, or stoma that delivers nutrition distal to the oral cavity.

Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;

Comments made about the {{title}} by the requester, performer, subject or other participants.

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