Class TMolecularSequenceReferenceSeq



type TMolecularSequenceReferenceSeq = class(TBackboneElement)


Raw data describing a biological sequence.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property chromosome : TCodeableConcept read Getchromosome write Setchromosome;
Public property genomeBuild : string read GetgenomeBuild write SetgenomeBuild;
Public property genomeBuildElement : Tstring read GetgenomeBuildElement write SetgenomeBuildElement;
Public property orientation : string read Getorientation write Setorientation;
Public property orientationElement : TorientationType read GetorientationElement write SetorientationElement;
Public property referenceSeqId : TCodeableConcept read GetreferenceSeqId write SetreferenceSeqId;
Public property referenceSeqPointer : TReference read GetreferenceSeqPointer write SetreferenceSeqPointer;
Public property referenceSeqString : string read GetreferenceSeqString write SetreferenceSeqString;
Public property referenceSeqStringElement : Tstring read GetreferenceSeqStringElement write SetreferenceSeqStringElement;
Public property strand : string read Getstrand write Setstrand;
Public property strandElement : TstrandType read GetstrandElement write SetstrandElement;
Public property windowStart : integer read GetwindowStart write SetwindowStart;
Public property windowStartElement : Tinteger read GetwindowStartElement write SetwindowStartElement;
Public property windowEnd : integer read GetwindowEnd write SetwindowEnd;
Public property windowEndElement : Tinteger read GetwindowEndElement write SetwindowEndElement;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property chromosome : TCodeableConcept read Getchromosome write Setchromosome;

Structural unit composed of a nucleic acid molecule which controls its own replication through the interaction of specific proteins at one or more origins of replication ([SO:0000340](

Public property genomeBuild : string read GetgenomeBuild write SetgenomeBuild;

The Genome Build used for reference, following GRCh build versions e.g. 'GRCh 37'. Version number must be included if a versioned release of a primary build was used.

Public property genomeBuildElement : Tstring read GetgenomeBuildElement write SetgenomeBuildElement;
Public property orientation : string read Getorientation write Setorientation;

A relative reference to a DNA strand based on gene orientation. The strand that contains the open reading frame of the gene is the "sense" strand, and the opposite complementary strand is the "antisense" strand.

Public property orientationElement : TorientationType read GetorientationElement write SetorientationElement;
Public property referenceSeqId : TCodeableConcept read GetreferenceSeqId write SetreferenceSeqId;

Reference identifier of reference sequence submitted to NCBI. It must match the type in the MolecularSequence.type field. For example, the prefix, “NG_” identifies reference sequence for genes, “NM_” for messenger RNA transcripts, and “NP_” for amino acid sequences.

Public property referenceSeqPointer : TReference read GetreferenceSeqPointer write SetreferenceSeqPointer;

A pointer to another MolecularSequence entity as reference sequence.

Public property referenceSeqString : string read GetreferenceSeqString write SetreferenceSeqString;

A string like "ACGT".

Public property referenceSeqStringElement : Tstring read GetreferenceSeqStringElement write SetreferenceSeqStringElement;
Public property strand : string read Getstrand write Setstrand;

An absolute reference to a strand. The Watson strand is the strand whose 5'-end is on the short arm of the chromosome, and the Crick strand as the one whose 5'-end is on the long arm.

Public property strandElement : TstrandType read GetstrandElement write SetstrandElement;
Public property windowStart : integer read GetwindowStart write SetwindowStart;

Start position of the window on the reference sequence. If the coordinate system is either 0-based or 1-based, then start position is inclusive.

Public property windowStartElement : Tinteger read GetwindowStartElement write SetwindowStartElement;
Public property windowEnd : integer read GetwindowEnd write SetwindowEnd;

End position of the window on the reference sequence. If the coordinate system is 0-based then end is exclusive and does not include the last position. If the coordinate system is 1-base, then end is inclusive and includes the last position.

Public property windowEndElement : Tinteger read GetwindowEndElement write SetwindowEndElement;

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