Class TInvoice



type TInvoice = class(TDomainResource)


Invoice containing collected ChargeItems from an Account with calculated individual and total price for Billing purpose. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;
Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;
Public property statusElement : TInvoiceStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property cancelledReason : string read GetcancelledReason write SetcancelledReason;
Public property cancelledReasonElement : Tstring read GetcancelledReasonElement write SetcancelledReasonElement;
Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property subject : TReference read Getsubject write Setsubject;
Public property recipient : TReference read Getrecipient write Setrecipient;
Public property date_ : string read Getdate_ write Setdate_;
Public property date_Element : TdateTime_ read Getdate_Element write Setdate_Element;
Public property participant : TInvoiceParticipantArray read GetparticipantArray;
Public property issuer : TReference read Getissuer write Setissuer;
Public property account : TReference read Getaccount write Setaccount;
Public property lineItem : TInvoiceLineItemArray read GetlineItemArray;
Public property totalPriceComponent : TInvoicePriceComponentArray read GettotalPriceComponentArray;
Public property totalNet : TMoney read GettotalNet write SettotalNet;
Public property totalGross : TMoney read GettotalGross write SettotalGross;
Public property paymentTerms : string read GetpaymentTerms write SetpaymentTerms;
Public property paymentTermsElement : Tmarkdown read GetpaymentTermsElement write SetpaymentTermsElement;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray;

Identifier of this Invoice, often used for reference in correspondence about this invoice or for tracking of payments.

Public property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus;

The current state of the Invoice.

Public property statusElement : TInvoiceStatus read GetstatusElement write SetstatusElement;
Public property cancelledReason : string read GetcancelledReason write SetcancelledReason;

In case of Invoice cancellation a reason must be given (entered in error, superseded by corrected invoice etc.).

Public property cancelledReasonElement : Tstring read GetcancelledReasonElement write SetcancelledReasonElement;
Public property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_;

Type of Invoice depending on domain, realm an usage (e.g. internal/external, dental, preliminary).

Public property subject : TReference read Getsubject write Setsubject;

The individual or set of individuals receiving the goods and services billed in this invoice.

Public property recipient : TReference read Getrecipient write Setrecipient;

The individual or Organization responsible for balancing of this invoice.

Public property date_ : string read Getdate_ write Setdate_;

Date/time(s) of when this Invoice was posted.

Public property date_Element : TdateTime_ read Getdate_Element write Setdate_Element;
Public property participant : TInvoiceParticipantArray read GetparticipantArray;

Indicates who or what performed or participated in the charged service.

Public property issuer : TReference read Getissuer write Setissuer;

The organizationissuing the Invoice.

Public property account : TReference read Getaccount write Setaccount;

Account which is supposed to be balanced with this Invoice.

Public property lineItem : TInvoiceLineItemArray read GetlineItemArray;

Each line item represents one charge for goods and services rendered. Details such as date, code and amount are found in the referenced ChargeItem resource.

Public property totalPriceComponent : TInvoicePriceComponentArray read GettotalPriceComponentArray;

The total amount for the Invoice may be calculated as the sum of the line items with surcharges/deductions that apply in certain conditions. The priceComponent element can be used to offer transparency to the recipient of the Invoice of how the total price was calculated.

Public property totalNet : TMoney read GettotalNet write SettotalNet;

Invoice total , taxes excluded.

Public property totalGross : TMoney read GettotalGross write SettotalGross;

Invoice total, tax included.

Public property paymentTerms : string read GetpaymentTerms write SetpaymentTerms;

Payment details such as banking details, period of payment, deductibles, methods of payment.

Public property paymentTermsElement : Tmarkdown read GetpaymentTermsElement write SetpaymentTermsElement;
Public property note : TAnnotationArray read GetnoteArray;

Comments made about the invoice by the issuer, subject, or other participants.

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