Class TCatalogEntry
type TCatalogEntry = class(TDomainResource)
Catalog entries are wrappers that contextualize items included in a catalog. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property identifier : TIdentifierArray read GetidentifierArray; |
Used in supporting different identifiers for the same product, e.g. manufacturer code and retailer code.
property type_ : TCodeableConcept read Gettype_ write Settype_; |
The type of item - medication, device, service, protocol or other.
property orderable : boolean read Getorderable write Setorderable; |
Whether the entry represents an orderable item.
property orderableElement : Tboolean read GetorderableElement write SetorderableElement; |
property referencedItem : TReference read GetreferencedItem write SetreferencedItem; |
The item in a catalog or definition.
property additionalIdentifier : TIdentifierArray read GetadditionalIdentifierArray; |
Used in supporting related concepts, e.g. NDC to RxNorm.
property classification : TCodeableConceptArray read GetclassificationArray; |
Classes of devices, or ATC for medication.
property status : string read Getstatus write Setstatus; |
Used to support catalog exchange even for unsupported products, e.g. getting list of medications even if not prescribable.
property validityPeriod : TPeriod read GetvalidityPeriod write SetvalidityPeriod; |
The time period in which this catalog entry is expected to be active.
property validTo : string read GetvalidTo write SetvalidTo; |
The date until which this catalog entry is expected to be active.
property validToElement : TdateTime_ read GetvalidToElement write SetvalidToElement; |
property lastUpdated : string read GetlastUpdated write SetlastUpdated; |
Typically date of issue is different from the beginning of the validity. This can be used to see when an item was last updated.
property lastUpdatedElement : TdateTime_ read GetlastUpdatedElement write SetlastUpdatedElement; |
property additionalCharacteristic : TCodeableConceptArray read GetadditionalCharacteristicArray; |
Used for examplefor Out of Formulary, or any specifics.
property additionalClassification : TCodeableConceptArray read GetadditionalClassificationArray; |
User for example for ATC classification, or.
property relatedEntry : TCatalogEntryRelatedEntryArray read GetrelatedEntryArray; |
Used for example, to point to a substance, or to a device used to administer a medication.
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