Class TAuditEventEntity



type TAuditEventEntity = class(TBackboneElement)


A record of an event made for purposes of maintaining a security log. Typical uses include detection of intrusion attempts and monitoring for inappropriate usage.




Public constructor Create; override;


Public property what : TReference read Getwhat write Setwhat;
Public property type_ : TCoding read Gettype_ write Settype_;
Public property role : TCoding read Getrole write Setrole;
Public property lifecycle : TCoding read Getlifecycle write Setlifecycle;
Public property securityLabel : TCodingArray read GetsecurityLabelArray;
Public property name_ : string read Getname_ write Setname_;
Public property name_Element : Tstring read Getname_Element write Setname_Element;
Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;
Public property descriptionElement : Tstring read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property query : string read Getquery write Setquery;
Public property queryElement : Tbase64Binary read GetqueryElement write SetqueryElement;
Public property detail : TAuditEventDetailArray read GetdetailArray;



Public constructor Create; override;


Public property what : TReference read Getwhat write Setwhat;

Identifies a specific instance of the entity. The reference should be version specific.

Public property type_ : TCoding read Gettype_ write Settype_;

The type of the object that was involved in this audit event.

Public property role : TCoding read Getrole write Setrole;

Code representing the role the entity played in the event being audited.

Public property lifecycle : TCoding read Getlifecycle write Setlifecycle;

Identifier for the data life-cycle stage for the entity.

Public property securityLabel : TCodingArray read GetsecurityLabelArray;

Security labels for the identified entity.

Public property name_ : string read Getname_ write Setname_;

A name of the entity in the audit event.

Public property name_Element : Tstring read Getname_Element write Setname_Element;
Public property description : string read Getdescription write Setdescription;

Text that describes the entity in more detail.

Public property descriptionElement : Tstring read GetdescriptionElement write SetdescriptionElement;
Public property query : string read Getquery write Setquery;

The query parameters for a query-type entities.

Public property queryElement : Tbase64Binary read GetqueryElement write SetqueryElement;
Public property detail : TAuditEventDetailArray read GetdetailArray;

Tagged value pairs for conveying additional information about the entity.

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