Class TAuditEvent
type TAuditEvent = class(TDomainResource)
A record of an event made for purposes of maintaining a security log. Typical uses include detection of intrusion attempts and monitoring for inappropriate usage. If the element is present, it must have either a @value, an @id, or extensions
constructor Create; override; |
property type_ : TCoding read Gettype_ write Settype_; |
Identifier for a family of the event. For example, a menu item, program, rule, policy, function code, application name or URL. It identifies the performed function.
property subtype : TCodingArray read GetsubtypeArray; |
Identifier for the category of event.
property action : string read Getaction write Setaction; |
Indicator for type of action performed during the event that generated the audit.
property actionElement : TAuditEventAction read GetactionElement write SetactionElement; |
property period : TPeriod read Getperiod write Setperiod; |
The period during which the activity occurred.
property recorded : string read Getrecorded write Setrecorded; |
The time when the event was recorded.
property recordedElement : Tinstant read GetrecordedElement write SetrecordedElement; |
property outcome : string read Getoutcome write Setoutcome; |
Indicates whether the event succeeded or failed.
property outcomeElement : TAuditEventOutcome read GetoutcomeElement write SetoutcomeElement; |
property outcomeDesc : string read GetoutcomeDesc write SetoutcomeDesc; |
A free text description of the outcome of the event.
property outcomeDescElement : Tstring read GetoutcomeDescElement write SetoutcomeDescElement; |
property purposeOfEvent : TCodeableConceptArray read GetpurposeOfEventArray; |
The purposeOfUse (reason) that was used during the event being recorded.
property agent : TAuditEventAgentArray read GetagentArray; |
An actor taking an active role in the event or activity that is logged.
property source : TAuditEventSource read Getsource write Setsource; |
The system that is reporting the event.
property entity : TAuditEventEntityArray read GetentityArray; |
Specific instances of data or objects that have been accessed.
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