DelphiHL7 Released v 1.4!

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Site Admin
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DelphiHL7 Released v 1.4!

Post by admin »

Dear users,

New DelphiHL7 Released v 1.4 is available for download now.
This version includes:

* Added AsBase64 property.
Reads Base64 value and return decoded string. When set field, encode raw string to base64.

ShowMessage(adt_a01.MSH.Sendingapplication.AsString); // Shows : d3d3LkRlbHBoaUhMNy5jb20=
ShowMessage(adt_a01.MSH.Sendingapplication.AsBase64); // Shows :

* Changed AsString property behavior. Supported separator encoding.

\E\ Escape character converted to escape character (e.g., ‘\’)
\F\ Field separator converted to field separator character (e.g., ‘|’)
\R\ Repetition separator converted to repetition separator character (e.g., ‘~’)
\S\ Component separator converted to component separator character (e.g., ‘^’)
\T\ Subcomponent separator converted to subcomponent separator character (e.g., ‘&’)

DelphiHL7 team.
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