BesaFHIR Released v 1.0.19!
Posted: Tue Apr 20, 2021 6:25 am
Dear users,
Besa Software is glad to release the new version 1.0.19!
This version includes:
+ Added Custom HttpType connection.If you want to use other components for http connection (ICS Overbyte, Synopse mORMOT, synapse ..). You must use hcCustom type. And you must create your handler method.
How to use:
We're looking forward to your comments and suggestions.
Besa Sofware Team.
Besa Software is glad to release the new version 1.0.19!
This version includes:
+ Added Custom HttpType connection.If you want to use other components for http connection (ICS Overbyte, Synopse mORMOT, synapse ..). You must use hcCustom type. And you must create your handler method.
How to use:
Code: Select all
procedure TForm3.btnCreate(Sender: TObject);
client.HttpType := hcCustom;
client.OnExecuteVerbStream := ExecuteVerbStream;
procedure TForm3.ExecuteVerbStream(AVerb:TBSFhirHTTPVerb; AUrl:String; ARequest, AResponse:TStream; const ARequestHeaders, AResponseHeaders: TStrings; var AResponseCode:Integer; var AResponseText:String);
// Request Stream
LRequestStr:= TStringStream(ARequest).DataString;
// Execute your components equivalent method.
case AVerb of
fverbGet: ;// samplecomponent.Get(AUrl)
fverbPost: ; // samplecomponent.Post(AUrl)
fverbPut: ;
fverbDelete: ;
fverbOptions: ;
fverbPatch: ;
//Set response stream. (Stream is TStringStream type)
//Set response headers.
AResponseCode:= samplecomponent.StatusCode;
AResponseText:= samplecomponent.StatusText;
Besa Sofware Team.